Here you get help with most things related to the HeyEy service. Among other things, answers to common questions, description of functionality and information about what it means to make certain choices in the service.
You can access all the features of the service through our apps on the
App Store and Google Play.
If you can't find the answers here, please feel free to contact us with your questions or concerns. The easiest way to reach us is by emailing:
You can delete activities created by yourself as well as activities loaded from your other apps or devices.
If the deleted activity is part of a not started or a ongoing challenge it will be deleted from the challenge as well.
If the deleted activity is part of a completed challenge, information about the activity will remain in the challenge. In other words, if you delete an activity, completed challenges that contain the activity are not affected.
You may be invited to an unstarted or ongoing challenge.
If you accept the challenge, it will end up under “Ongoing” or “Not Started” challenges.
If you decline the challenge, it will disappear from the "Requests" list.
If you happen to decline a challenge by mistake, just ask the sender to resend it.
You can delete all not started challenges created by yourself. You can also delete a ongoing challenge created by you if you are the only participant in the challenge. You can not delete a completed challenge.
When a challenge is deleted the challenge process ends completely and any athletes within the challenge will be informed.
If you decline the connection request, you will continue to be searchable and connectable in the search list within the Heyey community. The sender will not be notified in any other ways.
If you happen to decline a a connection request by mistake, just ask the sender to resend it.
When you remove friends their activities will be removed from your feed and they will not be participating anymore in all not started and ongoing challenges created by you. The equivalent also happens with your activities in the friend’s feed and challenges.
If the removed friend is part of a completed challenge created by you, information about the friend will remain in the challenge. In other words, if you remove a friend, completed challenges that contain the friend are not affected.
You will also still receive information about the removed friend if you both participate in the same challenges, created by others.
You can delete messages written by yourself.
If the deleted message is part of a thread, any answers to your message in the thread will be deleted as well.
In the "Delete your Heyey account " option, you have the opportunity to delete your Heyey account.
The following will happen in the app and in the databases connected to the app:
Your profile, including email address, pictures, and other account information, will be deleted.
Your activities, including pictures, map titles, and descriptions, will be deleted. Your posts in activities, including entire threads you've started and reactions, will be deleted.
If you participate in an upcoming or ongoing challenge, all information about you and your activities will be deleted from that challenge. Your posts in the challenge, including entire threads you've started as well as reactions, will be deleted.
If you've participated in a completed challenge, an anonymized user that cannot be linked to you, along with minimal information about the activities, will remain in the challenge. This is to maintain leaderboards and other functionality in the challenge. However, any pictures, maps, titles, and descriptions in the activities will be deleted. Your posts, including entire threads you've started as well as reactions, will be deleted both in the challenge and in the activities included.
If you've created an upcoming or ongoing challenge, it will be deleted and unavailable to other participants.
If you've created a completed challenge, the challenge will be anonymized by changing the title to a standard title and deleting the description. This is to ensure that your personal information does not appear in the free text fields.
Notifications linked to you will be deleted.
After your account is deleted, you can create a new account, even with the same email address. You can also download your previous activities up to one year back from your connected devices or apps. However, your own titles, descriptions, pictures, and posts in the activities cannot be automatically restored. They must be manually restored by you.
Manually added activities cannot be automatically restored either. They must be manually restored by you.
Participation in an upcoming or ongoing challenge cannot be automatically restored either. You must recreate any challenges yourself and invite participants again or request to join challenges to which you were previously invited.
In any email communications linked to your email address, you can unsubscribe directly from the email if you no longer wish to receive communications. This is a function separate from the app.
”Ex Heyey” is a generic name for anonymized users and is used for functionality needed for users who have chosen to delete their account. When a user deletes their account, all challenges created by that user are canceled.
Therefore, you may receive a notification, for example, that ”Ex Heyey” has canceled a challenge.
Here you connect HeyEy to your devices or apps to automatically download your activity data.
What data does HeyEy collect?
HeyEy collects the date and time when the activity was performed, the type of activity, duration, distance, and elevation. A standard name corresponding to the activity type is created in HeyEy, and if sufficient data is available, a map image is also generated.
You can change names of the activity and add descriptions, images, etc to the activity in HeyEy.
Of course, you can modify other data and even delete the activity in HeyEy.
It's simple
Click on your device type or the app from which you want to load activity data, and then follow the instructions. After just a few steps, you'll be done.
Good to know
When you connect a device or an app for the first time, HeyEy will download your activities from one year back. This is to allow you to participate in challenges that started before you created your account and include activities done during that challenge period.
In the historical loading of activities, we also include the name of the activity that is registered. This is done to ensure that any specific names you have assigned to an activity are included.
Here, you select which types of activities to automatically download from your connected devices or apps.
Good to know
When the slider is orange, the activity type is downloaded to HeyEy.
When the slider is gray, the activity type is NOTdownloaded to HeyEy.
Disable automatic download of activity types
If you don't want the activity type to be downloaded automatically, click on the slider to the right of the activity type. This will move the slider to the left, and the color will change from orange to gray.
The type of activities will NOT be downloaded to HeyEy in the future.
Note! You will still be able to create manual activities with that activity type in HeyEy if you wish.
Enable automatic download of activity types
If you want the activity type to be downloaded automatically, click on the slider to the right of the activity type. This will move the slider to the left, and the color will change from gray to orange.
The type of activities will be downloaded to HeyEy in the future.
If you want to download historical activity types that you chose not to download previously, you can easily do so by simply disconnecting and then reconnecting your current device or app.
You can do that under the account setting "Manage devices & apps". HeyEy will then supplement with your previously unselected activities, up to one year back.
Good to know
For security reasons, we have implemented a three-step solution to minimize the risk of accidentally deleting your account.
Step 1
When you click "I understand and agree to the above," two options are added: "Cancel" or "Delete."
Step 2
If you press "Cancel," nothing happens. You are returned to the account page.
If you press "Delete," you are prompted to enter your password.
Step 3
As a third and final step, you need to verify your account profile by entering the account's password. The reason for this is to prevent anyone else, such as a child, from accidentally deleting your account if the app is active.
Once you have entered and confirmed your password, you will be logged out, and the deletion process will begin.
Note! Once you confirm your password, the deletion process cannot be undone!
The support page was updated 2024-04-25